Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Day Of Thanks

My thoughts for this Thanksgivng Day...

I have a lot to be thankful for. I live a blessed life. I have an abundance of so much and life, for me is easy. There are so many in this world where getting where getting through each day is a struggle to survive. I have clean water that runs from the tap. I don't have to walk miles to collect it. I don't have to worry about the cleanliness if bugs are lurking in it which might make me ill. I have food in my coffers. I don't worry where my next meal is coming from. I am not scrounging for food or have to line up to get what I am given. I can choose what I want. I have a closet full of clothes. There are many in there that have hung unworn for years. I have more right now then what some will have in a lifetime. I have a home. A roof, heat and most of all security. I don't worry about invasions, tribal wars or even bloodshed in my neighborhood. I have the freedom to say what I want without persecution. I have a voice. So many are silent.

This Thanksgiving, let's give thanks and mean it. There are so many in this world with so much less. So much less than what we have that it's hard to even imagine life in their shoes. I the grand scheme of things we live better than 90% of our fellow inhabitants on this planet, but we are all in this together. So when we get together with all our crazy and weird relatives and friends to stuff our faces, let's complain a little less. Let's take time to remember just how lucky we truly are.

Be well. Be gracious. Be thankful and be giving.


Friday, November 19, 2010

And The Winner Is...

In Living Color Christmas Card
Make a statement with custom Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Girl Effect

If you haven't seen this, please watch it. And if you've watched it before, watch it again. It gives me goosebumps every. single. time. It's sad and hopeful at the same time. It makes me appreciate what I've been given and what I can offer my daughter.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Heart Etsy

If you haven't discovered Etsy, go there now!

If you haven't discovered the wonderful Treasuries of Etsy, go there now!

If you want to check out a Treasury that includes yous truly, go here now!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's Right Around the Corner

I'm determined to get things done early this year.

I've made my list.

I'm checking it twice.

I'm beyond ready.

Bring it on.


You know, the holidays.

I checked my list this morning, and cards was the task du jour.
To back track, this past year I started using Shutterfly. I know I'm a little late to the party, but was I using some other photo site and honestly I was always a little jealous of the Shutterfly users. Shutterfly always seemed to have the cuter card designs, their interface was easier and it just seemed like "those" people were having a lot more fun than I was over at my old fuddy duddy site. So, I abandoned ship and I became one of "those" people. And now I'm one of the cool kids.
So anyhoo, off I went card shopping and there're so many choices, Holiday or Christmas? Flat? Folded? Single photo? Multiple photos? And the many really cute designs.

Love this, this, this, and so many more. Really... so many more, I don't know what to do with myself.

Whatcha doing this year for cards?

If you're a fellow blogger, check out this deal... 50 free cards!

Thanks Shutterfly...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Not at My Best

It's been one of those mornings.

I yelled.

She cried.

My heart broke.

She's probably (hopefully) singing happy songs, playing with her friends at school.

I'm still reeling.

Drying the fallen tears.


Time for a deep breath.

Time to realize I am human.

Will I ever forget the fear in her eyes? Part of me wishes I will, because that should never have happened. Part of me wishes I won't so I won't let it happen again.

Hug your kids tight.

I will hold mine tighter for sure.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Shameless Self Promotion

If you have a few moments, go check out some of the new reusable snack and sandwich bag prints I recently made up and posted in my etsy shop.

There’s Bight Owls, one of my favorites, pink, orange and yellow owls and oh so super cute.

There’s the surfboard print for all those surfers and beach goers. Since I live on the coast, this one seemed quite appropriate for me.

Another new print is Peace. Peace signs, flowers, groovy-ness. Perfect for the neo-hippie of today.

And on a more sophisticated note, there’s this Bold Flower design. I love the simplicity of it.

Remember these make great gifts for anyone who you need to send presents to. In fact, if you buy them now, I’ll be happy to ship them, for free. We can even arrange for me to send it closer to the holidays if you want.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Product Testers Needed

I’m developing a new product and need your help. Anyone out there interesting in testing it for me?

I’ll send you a sample, you need to use it and then give me feedback. Honest feedback. The good, the bad, the ugly and the very pretty. The user of this product will be a person who buys produce, either from the market or a farmers market. And of course you get to keep the product. If you like it, great! If you don't, maybe you can use it as a white elephant gift at the office party.

It’s nothing fancy. It’s a simple thing, but sometimes those are the best ideas.

If you’re interested, email me at and we’ll chat.

Have a great weekend everyone…boo!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


So after waiting 3 and a half of my 4 hours, he showed up. 5 minutes later, he declared the microwave dead. Duh.

Yes, we’re getting it fixed. Thank goodness we had a warranty, because if we didn’t I’m not sure I would fork out the $400+ in parts and another $100 or so in labor to get it fixed. Gulp. I probably would have bought one of those cheap counter microwaves for a fraction of the price and called it good.

I can say that life without a that little heating machine has been a bit of a struggle. For the most part, I cook meals. I don’t open boxes and call those meals, but I do use the micro for a lot of things. I heat up leftovers, there’s the microwave popcorn, there’s the warm maple syrup for pancakes on the weekend. There’s a lot of things. A lot more things than I remember using it for, and in another week and a half and I’ll be ready to go.

In another week in a half I’ll be waiting around, again, for the repair guy. He’s given me another 4 hour window. But this time when he leaves, I hope he declares the microwave, alive.

Try not using your microwave for a day and see how it is. Are you all as addicted to it as me?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Waiting For The Repair Guy

It happened on Saturday morning. It stopped working. Augh.

I never realized how much we use our microwave. It’s been back to heating things up in a skillet, planning more in advance and realizing that dinner really shouldn’t come out of a box anyway.

The repair guy is scheduled sometime between 1pm and 5pm, which is another pet peeve of mine. Why is it that they need a 4 hour window? And why is it in this age of modern technology they can’t give me a call when they are on their way to my house? You know how much rearranging of my schedule I had to do to make sure I am home? Come on folks, get with it! Arm your service guys with phones so they can call on their way so we can get home to look pretty and answer the door. We’re busy. We have things to do. We have kids to pick up, kids to drop off, dance lessons, soccer practice, groceries to buy, errands to run. We can’t just dilly dally at your convenience and wait for you.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll tell my boss I’ll be coming into work sometime between 9am and 1pm. You think that would fly?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Giveaway!

Hey everyone, head on over here to win one of my, GirlSunday Designs, handy dandy sandwich and snack bags, sewn by yours truly.

Really, they are pretty cool little things. I use mine all the time. In Pixie’s lunches, I put cheese, crackers, pretzels, apples, and pretty much anything that isn’t a really wet food in it. I use the bigger size for her sandwiches. I first wrap her sandwich in her napkin and then put it in the bag. I also have one of the sandwich sized bags in my purse for a little “ouch pouch.” It has band aids, aspirin, eye drops, chap stick, a little bottle of sun screen etc… It’s great to have on hand to easily transfer from one bag to the other with all the in case of emergency things.

Really, the uses are endless. And probably the best thing, other than it being made by me, is that they are totally washable. I wipe mine out during the week and then on Friday, I toss them in the washer and dryer. All clean and ready to go for the next week.

Oh, and can I tell you the kids love them. They love the different patterns and it’s just something a little fun in their lunches.

So, back to the point of this post. Let’s help make Ashley’s first, yes that’s right I’m her first, give away a success. Go HERE now!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's What She Wants to Be

costume fitting
Halloween 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You Never Know

I promise this blog isn't going to turn into a things my daughter says, but lately she's just been lobbing me gems.

Today's gem is "everyday is a little bit of a mystery."

Really? What going on in that 4 year old brain.

It made me realize no matter how much I love to plan and how may to-do lists I may have, and trust me, I have plenty, every day brings surprises. Everyday the unknown can and will happen. My lesson in this is, the much overstated and way underused, just to go with the flow.

But that whole going with the flow thing... it's just so damn hard for me.

Monday, October 18, 2010

That's My Girl

I guess I must be doing something right.

I overheard Pixie saying to her dad:

"They're homemade! Don't you just love homemade things?"

Of course she was talking about chocolate chip cookies and it's not humanly possible not to love warm, fresh out-of-the-oven cookie and some milk. But still, just hearing the "Don't you just love homemade things," made my heart swell.

That's my girl.

Here's the recipe I use. It's pretty much the standard recipe, nothing fancy, but delish, none the less.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 sticks of butter
1C tightly packed brown sugar
1/2 C sugar
2 eggs
2 1/4 C flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 bag o' chocolate chips

Mix butter and sugars together until fluffy. Mix in eggs until well beaten. Add in dry ingredients and mix well. Mix in vanilla. Add in chips and mix well.

Plop tablespoon size balls onto your cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake at 375 for 9 minutes.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Looking for an Explanation

Why do people talk on their cell phones while they are going to the bathroom? Especially a public restroom? Will someone please explain?

I am completely dumbfounded, appalled and grossed out.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Postcards From Around the World

This may just be the dork in me, but how cool is this?

I'm on my way to sign up and, to me, it just confirms my belief that all of us in the world are connected. It's a smaller world than we think.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday

Pixie's Self Portrait
Her first.
She's 4 years old.
I may have to keep and frame this one.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Growing Pains

Do you ever get to the point where you feel so overwhelmed. I took the weekend “off” from most of my GirlSunday business stuff, thinking I had a little buffer in time before I had to crank things up again before my next event. Then, this morning I got an email from a gal who is helping me sell my bags and she had a very busy selling weekend. I have my retail people begging me for more and I have that event looming. An event where there will be swarms of families, the same people who my bags are really targeted to.

I had one of those mini anxiety attacks where I realized I really do have A LOT of work to do. I have a daughter who wants to play, friends to hang out with and a husband who also wants some attention. There’s errands to run, shopping to do, laundry piling up, and a house that needs to be cleaned. I also have a day job and then my GirlSunday business. Augh.

My business has grown very quickly in the past couple of months and I feel like I’m really playing catch up on it. I easily handled the 2o MPH pace, but now I feel like I’m going 80 MPH and things are coming up on me a lot faster than I am use to. I run out of materials faster and find myself at a point where I can’t sew anything because I’m waiting for a shipment of something. I need to work out a system. I need to get a production schedule. I need to get a handle on things.

It’s a challenge and I like that. And like a lot of things that having meaning, it’s hard work.

With all that said, it’s still fun.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Lemonade Anyone?

I have a feeling Pixie, as my 4 year old likes to be called, is onto something.

She’s been wanting, rather begging me, to have a lemonade stand. I’ve been a little reluctant to do my duty as a mom, and actually get it together and keep coming up with really lame excuses not to do it. This was our latest exchange.

Pixie: “Mama, I have an idea!”

Me: “What’s that honey.”

P: “Today would be a great day to have a lemonade stand!”

M: Silently groan “Well, that is a good idea, but probably not today.”

P: “Why? It’s warm out and you said we should do it on a warm day.”

M; “Well, you are right. It is a warm day, but there’s just not a lot of people out today.”

P: “I know what we can do Mama. We can call all my friends and they can show up. Then they can call all their friends and they can call their friends. Then there will be lots of people.”

I think she may invent Facebook 2020.

And just so you know, we still didn’t have that stand. Yet.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Own Personal Sweatshop

It’s been HOT in these here parts. Like it’s not suppose to be this hot, kind of hot. I live on the California coast where most houses, including mine, don’t have A/C and when it’s like this, it makes it makes the term sweatshop a very personal term.

Luckily, cooler weather is coming our way.

Friday, September 24, 2010

100 Things

100 things about me.

In no particular order.

1. I live in a house with beige carpet
2. My husband is color blind
3. I love color, celadon green
4. I've lived on an island in the middle of the Pacific
5. I now live in the same town where I was born
6. My parents and brother also still live in the same town
7. I recently learned how to sew
8. I never thought I'd be sewing things and making money out of it
9. It's more work than I thought it would be
10. It's the best job I've ever had
11. Being in big crowds isn't for me
12. Being in bumper to bumper traffic makes me crazy
13. I read every day
14. One of my favorite books is Jayber Crow
15. I've been in the same book club for about 15 years
16. I was one of the gals who started the group
17. I love naps
18. I don't take naps very often
19. I love Bravo TV
20. I DVR too much Bravo
21. I met my husband when I was 38
22. I met my husband at a bar
23. I got married at 39
24. We got married a beach in Hawaii
25. I had bare feet
26. I had our daughter at 40
27. I didn't drink at my 40th birthday party because I was knocked up
28. I've traveled to 12 different counties
29. It's always nice coming home
30. I love to cook
31. I rarely follow the recipe
32. I love looking through cooking and food magazines and blogs
33. Reading beauty magazines makes me feel old and frumpy
34. I color my hair
35. I get my hair cut about 3 times a year
36. I love walking around the neighborhood and looking at houses
37. I have a summer garden every year
38. The tomatoes I grow are my favorite
39. During the summer I eat tomatoes every day
40. I love sushi
41. I especially love really good wasabi
42. Hearing my daughter laugh is a sound I can not get tired of
42. Hearing her whine is a sound I don't like
43. We won't be having any more kids
44. By choice
45. I like owning my own business
46. I love fabrics
47. I love good design and color
48. Although I wear a lot of black, almost on a daily basis
49. I'm wearing a black top right now
50. I don't like the circus
51. I really don't like carnivals
52. Carnies are scary
53. I've walked a marathon once
54. Not sure if I'll ever do it again
55. My favorite form of exercise is walking
56. I've done the Breast Cancer 3 day 4 times
57. Not sure if I'll ever to it again
58. I don't like to read directions
59. I like to figure out how do things on my own
60. I like things to be perfect
61. I like things tidy
62. Messes make me crazy
63. Piles of things around the house make me crazy
64. The dining room table is piles with my work things
65. I don't have a separate "work/craft" room
66. I work and sew on the dining room table
67. The Husband has never said anything about me cleaning it up
68. I like having people over for dinner so it does get cleaned up
69. I often cook new recipes for friends who come over for dinner
70. I get frustrated easily
71. I see that same thing in my daughter
72. I am not a patient person, but wish I was
73. I married a man who is
74. I try and learn from him
75. I get scared of trying new things
76. I know it's ok to feel the fear
77. But I try anyway
78. I believe that most people are good
79. I am an optimist
80. I believe things work out the way they do for a reason
81. I believe in Karma
82. I currently addicted to Words with Friends
83. I think I'm pretty good at it
84. I love playing board games
85. I love puzzles
86. I'm kind of a dork
87. I'm amazed by technology
88. I listen to NPR every day
89. I listen to The Coffee House on XM
90. GirlSunday is a play on words having to do with my mother's maiden name
91. Both my mom and grandmother's were business women
92. I think it's in my genetic make-up to own my own business
93. As an adult, I wish I had know both my grandmothers
94. I am grateful for those who came before me
95. They have made my life better
96. I have a good life
97. I love the word love and hate the word hate
98. I am proud of the person I am
99. I think there's a lot of life left in me and things to do
100. I applaud you if you made it through this list. It was much harder than I thought it would be

Busy Busy Busy...

Things are a whole bunch of crazy around here lately. After the article in the paper, it sparked something in me to give this business more attention and really see what can happen. It's paying off. I've promoted more, I'm going to try and blog more, and just get the word out more. Shameless self promotion.

Here's what's been going on lately...

I dropped off some bags today at a local elementary school for their weekly farmers market.

Speaking of schools, there's the school in Virginia who asked me to participate in their Green Team efforts to reduce their waste and also fund raise. For every sale I make where the buyer mentions the school, I am giving back a portion of the sales back to the school. A winning situation for everyone.

I'm getting ready to do a fair next weekend. Whole Foods is supporting local artists and are having a monthly arts market.

I've also been listening to what people want.

People have asked for a larger sandwich bag line and yep! I now have sandwich bags.

People have asked for Dino fabric. I now have dinos.

People asked for owls, I now have owls.

You ask, I listen.

What do you want now?

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's A Start

Well I guess it's a good a time as any to start...

Here's a bit about GirlSunday Designs and myself.
