I've made my list.
I'm checking it twice.
I'm beyond ready.
Bring it on.
You know, the holidays.
I checked my list this morning, and cards was the task du jour.
To back track, this past year I started using Shutterfly. I know I'm a little late to the party, but was I using some other photo site and honestly I was always a little jealous of the Shutterfly users. Shutterfly always seemed to have the cuter card designs, their interface was easier and it just seemed like "those" people were having a lot more fun than I was over at my old fuddy duddy site. So, I abandoned ship and I became one of "those" people. And now I'm one of the cool kids.
So anyhoo, off I went card shopping and there're so many choices, Holiday or Christmas? Flat? Folded? Single photo? Multiple photos? And the choices...so many really cute designs.
Love this, this, this, and so many more. Really... so many more, I don't know what to do with myself.
Whatcha doing this year for cards?
If you're a fellow blogger, check out this deal... 50 free cards!
Thanks Shutterfly...
Glad to see you checked it out and decided to use it!